Why Year-End Reflection Is More Important Than Ever
Another year, almost done. Wowsers. It’s been a big one for most of us.
This time of year, we are almost always looking forward – what do we want to achieve in 2025? And there is a definite time and place for that.
But there is something very lovely about spending a few minutes reflecting on the year that has been. We know that it is the same brain networks that look back and also project forward, so, the art of looking back is a great tool to reflect, learn and build the architecture to support you going forward.
The Science Behind Looking Back to Move Forward
Barbara Fredrickson’s Broaden-and-Build Theory highlights how positive emotions expand our perspective, revealing new possibilities and building resources like resilience, creativity, and connection. Reflecting on positive memories through this annual practice nudges your emotional state toward positivity and lays a foundation for thriving in the year ahead.
Our Step-by-Step Guide to Reflecting on 2024
Our Neuro Nudges team have put together a lovely reflective tool which you can find here. It is a simple 15–20-minute exercise that takes you back through your diary to reflect and celebrate, to look at patterns, rituals and reflections.
Coaching Questions to Gain Insight and Clarity for 2025
There’s also this wonderful podcast from How I Work host Dr Amantha Imber and 🎤 Lisa Leong: Design Your Best 2025
In her newsletter, Amantha also suggests these coaching questions to help:
"Think of these as conversation starters with yourself (yes, that's a thing and no, it doesn't make you weird):
- What changes rocked my life this year? (The good, the messy, and the 'why didn't anyone warn me about this?')
- When did joy catch me by surprise? (Those tiny moments that made you smile)
- What secret strengths did I discover about myself?(Maybe you're actually great at crisis management - who knew?)
- What lesson did life try to teach me this year? (You know, the one that kept showing up until you finally got it)
- What three moments deserve a gold star in my gratitude journal? (The ones that still make you feel warm and fuzzy)
- What was the riskiest of risks I took this year? (That thing that made your stomach do backflips)
- Looking at this year month by month, what were the highlight reel moments? (Going through your photo library can be helpful for this one)
- How did I make someone else's life a little better?(Even tiny ripples can create big waves)
- What comfortable bubble did I burst out of? (Those moments when you thought "I can't" but then did anyway)
- What makes my heart beat faster when I think about next year? (The good kind of nervous excitement, not the 'I forgot to submit my taxes' kind).”
Celebrate, Learn, and Plan: A Simple Tool for Year-End Reflection
Taking time to reflect can feel like a luxury during one of the busiest, most chaotic times of year. But doing so can provide clarity around what we want to stop, start and keep going. It can provide insight into what brings us joy, and what causes us pain. It can show us where we are using our strengths, and where’re maybe playing too much in our shadow side. Have a wonderful holiday and festive season, wherever you are. And here's to looking back and looking forward.
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